Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Forensics" The First Responding Officer

The first responding officer and witness are a very important part of an investigation. This is because; the first responding officer is the first to see the scene at its most original state. Likewise, a witness has important information that would be useful to an officer to start the process of investigation. Furthermore, officer's actions at the scene form the basis of the investigation. It's important for the first responding officer to properly perform their duties. Experience is an important factor. If a mistake is made by an officer their mishap can throw the whole investigation off.

  The duties of the first responding officer include;

      1.  Assisting the victim and to prevent changes to the victim.
          2. To search for and arrest the suspect if that person is still on the scene.
           3.   To detain any witnesses to collect information. However, the witness is to be separated to preserve their objectivity, and the witness is not to return to the scene if at all possible.
           4.   To protect the crime scene. Begin the crime scene security measures. Example: by the use of barrier tape, official vehicles (Nordby) etc. Establish a crime scene security log to record any additional information such as; persons who enter/exit the scene. Do not smoke, eat, drink within the secured premises and prevent any unnecessary officials or persons from entering and contaminating the scene.
             5.    All movements, alterations, or changes are to be recorded and communicated with any (Nordby) officials conducting the investigations/ crime scene investigators.
Works Cited
Nordby, S. H. (n.d). Forensic Science.

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